You know that Place?

You know that Place?

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Sailing Along...

Seems there has been so much stress going on in our respective worlds of late...I ran across this picture and immediately envisioned the two of us sailing together on this little surrounding us, tranquil waters, a very gentle breeze to just barely move us along and time, precious time to share.

Close your eyes.  Relax.  Imagine the serenity of this scene and how lovely it would be to be immersed in the solitude and tranquility of Nature's beauty.  The bird flying over head, butterflies and flowers and the setting sun painting the sky with an orange hue, lulling us to a time of peacefulness and serenity.

It could very well happen, you know.

Sailing Along...

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Hope You Have a Nice Father's Day!

I'm missing YOU
and thinking of YOU
and wishing YOU


Looking forward to seeing YOU

Friday, June 8, 2012

Will Rogers Park (Part 2)

Okay, I'm walking back to my car and just as I get to the parking lot, here's this little guy.  He sees me and debates whether he should take off, but once he sees I'm no real threat, he decides to continue on with his "dumpster (er...I mean trashcan") diving...

 See?  There he goes...
Then he disappears from sight...

I didn't see him coming back out, but did get to see him make his get a way with his treasure of a what looks to be a piece of bread...

 Runs along the wall with his treasure...
Then finally settles in high up in a tree to enjoy
the "fruits" of his labor....

(Hope this made you smile like it did me!)

See Next Entry too....

Walk at Will Rogers (wish you were here) Part 1

It was such a beautiful day here
the kind of day that begs to have you near...
So, I went to a place where I could remember
sharing moments with you.
I had a grand time
walking around taking pics
and thinking of the moments we two
had spent here
some months ago...
but also knowing
that one day
in the not too awfully
distant future,
we will get to come back here
again, share special times
and discover
new and awesome sights
near and far...
I love you,
my sweet Blue Eyes.
I sent you love and hugs
and huge positive vibes
the whole time
I was there--
but then, to be honest,
I ALWAYS send you LOVE,


(I know you feel the same too).

Monday, June 4, 2012

Remember This...

I love you, Blue Eyes.
I truly do.
Thank you
for loving me too.

Please know 
that no matter what,
no matter where,
no matter how far apart
we are in miles,
my heart, 
my love,
my spirit
and my soul
are nestled safely
right next to you.

you are on my mind
and in my heart
and always
I am wishing
good and wonderful moments
to embrace you,
your life.

I cannot help it--
all the words
in the world
cannot express enough
how very  much
I love you.
(I just do).


Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Tuesday Evening Impending Storm

LOVE the clouds, the beauty of Nature.  Loved so much feeling the impending storm, daring it to do its will, begging nature to unleash its beauty for me and my camera.  Hoping for MORE to come my way soon.

Felt my angels ever near as I took these shots...especially the shot just under the Flag.  Today is Willa's birthday (perhaps in celebration, she'll send something really cool this evening before it gets too dark!)

Wish, wish, wish, wish you were here!  (Miss YOU).

Monday, May 14, 2012

Seems to Fit

I found this and it seemed to fit.  Just jumped out at me, so thought I would share.
I love you beyond words...I hope you know and feel that to be true...
Of all the things I wish for in life, 
my hugest, most awesome wish
is that you, (YES, YOU) find true happiness
and I hope that I 
am somehow a part
of your true happiness!
I love you...
I truly do!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


It is almost impossible
for me
to look at 
the Beauty of a Rose
and not 
be able to see
the intricate 
and most detailed
and magnificent
such artistic beauty
such purity of grace
and poise--

much like the awesomeness
of the beauty
that I see
whenever I think of
the love that lives
between you and me--
such beauty
and grace
and such magnificent design
unfolds each time
that you are near,
each time 
I realize how very much
you are a part
of this heart 
of mine.


Monday, April 2, 2012


Wow.  I found this and realized that it says volumes in just those few little words.  For years now I have been trying to be positive and to think positive, and perhaps I've also been "subtracting the negative" from my life all at the same time--

but now I'm going to make an even more conscious effort to continue subtracting the negative!  Whenever I find myself in a situation that feels WRONG I am going to turn around and go the other way instead of trying to figure out why it is I cannot fix things.  

My goal is to make as much room in my life for as much POSITIVE as I can possibly FIND--for in making room for the POSITIVE, I am embracing the JOY and ABUNDANCE that is rightfully mine!  And with a life full of POSITIVITY and JOY and ABUNDANCE--just imagine all the fun we can have!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Watching the Clouds/Missing You

Went out to the lake for a bit this evening--just to see what the sky looked like and took these shots...sure wish you could have been here too!  I wondered if the sun looked like this when you saw it earlier today as we were talking?  Kind of looks like a beam from an alien ship of sorts, huh?  I love the sky, love the clouds, love the sun...and love the lake...but not as much as I LOVE YOU/Miss YOU!!!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Can You Tell I love Clouds?

Looking up to the Sky filled with billowy clouds, some heavy with the potential for rain, some just light and airy and looking like huge puffs of cotton...always brings such a delight to my heart and soul.  This early evening when I was capturing these pics, I was asking Willa, to send me a heart in the sky and finally, I found it.

I love the the clouds, love the sunset and love capturing the exquisite beauty of Nature's art on the wonderful canvas in the sky.

Willa loved to watch the clouds as much as me and just above is the heart she sent to me.

Check out the photo on the left--it almost looks like a heart--too!

Then the one below made me think of Willa soaring free and I know in my heart she is in such a better place and loving her existence in her next realm.  I know she is free of pain, of worry and rejoicing and eager to share with those she loves here just how good it is to be free.
I will always miss the physical presence of my Willa Bee, but I have her love, her wit and humor and crazy antics to carry with me in my heart---the memories we shared will forever live on and always I will be grateful that she was a part of my life, that she loved me and that she allowed me to love her.

I do love clouds so very much, but somehow it just seems fitting that as Willa's physical body is flying into Oklahoma City, there was this magnificent display of clouds, hearts in the sky and birds in flight.

Thanks my sweet, Willa.  I love you! #

Friday, March 2, 2012

I'd Settle For Just Being Here With You

Imagining your travels
and sincerely hoping that
you are enjoying your time
out in the open
seeing new sights
looking at Nature's grandest canvas
and knowing that 
you are so very loved,
so very missed...
I do miss you
I so ache to be the one
to be traveling with you
and perhaps one day
that will really come true--
but I'd settle 
for just sitting near our lighthouse
gazing out at the lake--
just so long
as you are by my side.

No matter where you are,
how far away you might be--
my love, my heart, my smile
is always with you
I hope you look out across 
all these miles
and can see (and feel)
how very much I love you
how very much I care
and how very much I am anxious
for you to be right back here.

Take care of you
Come back to me soon!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

You Did Come Back!

So glad that you did!  Every time I hear your voice, see you, touch you and get to know that yes, yes, yes, you really are back--it's really you--my heart does this funny little dance of joy inside my chest and I cannot help but marvel at the wonder and awe of the Universe and how it/we/they knew all along that one day we would be "US" again.  

I have so much inside of me, so many, many things I want to share with you--so many words, so many visions, so many adventures I'm aching to share with you.  I know there will never be enough time in this life time to do it ALL--but I look forward to doing as much as we can and then meeting up again in our next existence and delighting in finding one another yet again!

In my heart (all those years apart) I knew that one day we would find our way back to one another and finally the gift of finding you/you finding me is here and the joy, the warmth, the laughter and love can finally be let loose and we can be WE.  

I love you.  I know you love me.  I love so many and cannot deny this huge love that spills out of my heart for others in my world, but so too--there is this HUGE LOVE for YOU that will never fade, never go away.  I loved you way back when, and through all the in between and even now again (and still).

Thank you for being here. (For Loving Me).

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Sometimes ... I feel so alone (not always)

I feel so alone
So all to myself
in a world
that seems to be made
for everyone else.
I wake up 
feeling the joy
and expectation
of being alive
and then I wonder
where is the one
who loves me so true...
and I know, I know...
I have not one, 
but two
who are committed
who love me true
and my heart smiles
because the honest 
to god truth is
that I love them too!
Just now and then
a tug of an ache
pulls on my heart--
for you see,
so much of me
just aches to be able to share,
to start
experiencing, living, enjoying
this world
through another set of eyes
(not just my own).
I guess sometimes (not always)
it's just hard
to be alone.