You know that Place?

You know that Place?

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

I Am A Spiritual Being...

Sometimes I know beyond a doubt 
that I chose this existence
that I jumped into this reality
because I wanted to experience
something new, exciting and fun.
But upon jumping into this life time,
this reality -- I am finding 
that it is truly difficult
to remember 
that this life is just so transient.

We are not here for very long...
Time will fly and soon we will have to accept
that this existence, this time and place
has served the purpose 
we came here for
and then we'll move along
to the next great adventure.

But wait, wait!  I hear myself say--
I have so much I have yet to do--
I have so much I still want to learn--
There is so much I want to see,
experience, feel and share...
The list can go on and on...

And besides, I'm not ready to move on yet--
so many here that I want to be near
so many that I want to hug and hold tight to me
so many that I want to know just what
I feel inside, so much of what I want them to see--
So if it's quite alright...
I want to stick around and have more
of this awesome human experience.
I have all of eternity 
to go back to my existence
as a spiritual being.

So onward I go
living this life and knowing
that one day the time will come
when I have to depart
but I know that until 
my time 
is done, I am going to live
to  enjoy  and create 
and have all kinds of fun!!!

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