Having the gift of starting fresh with you
And knowing that our love
has always lived on
through the years
is akin to a miracle of sorts...
How many couples
are given the chance
to reconnect
after decades
of being apart?
We are so abundantly blessed,
so lucky, so loved.
Our angels helped do this, you know.
Our love for one another
kept us invisibly connected too--
Always I knew that I loved you
and always I knew (well hoped)
that you loved me too.
So tomorrow
really is a clean slate--
a chance to start anew
to be who it is
that we've always been,
who it is we've yet to be
and who it is we are now...
what a gift.
Thank you
for being in this world
with me.
Thank you
thank you
thank you.
ps: I Love You.
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