You know that Place?

You know that Place?

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Watching the Clouds/Missing You

Went out to the lake for a bit this evening--just to see what the sky looked like and took these shots...sure wish you could have been here too!  I wondered if the sun looked like this when you saw it earlier today as we were talking?  Kind of looks like a beam from an alien ship of sorts, huh?  I love the sky, love the clouds, love the sun...and love the lake...but not as much as I LOVE YOU/Miss YOU!!!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Can You Tell I love Clouds?

Looking up to the Sky filled with billowy clouds, some heavy with the potential for rain, some just light and airy and looking like huge puffs of cotton...always brings such a delight to my heart and soul.  This early evening when I was capturing these pics, I was asking Willa, to send me a heart in the sky and finally, I found it.

I love the the clouds, love the sunset and love capturing the exquisite beauty of Nature's art on the wonderful canvas in the sky.

Willa loved to watch the clouds as much as me and just above is the heart she sent to me.

Check out the photo on the left--it almost looks like a heart--too!

Then the one below made me think of Willa soaring free and I know in my heart she is in such a better place and loving her existence in her next realm.  I know she is free of pain, of worry and rejoicing and eager to share with those she loves here just how good it is to be free.
I will always miss the physical presence of my Willa Bee, but I have her love, her wit and humor and crazy antics to carry with me in my heart---the memories we shared will forever live on and always I will be grateful that she was a part of my life, that she loved me and that she allowed me to love her.

I do love clouds so very much, but somehow it just seems fitting that as Willa's physical body is flying into Oklahoma City, there was this magnificent display of clouds, hearts in the sky and birds in flight.

Thanks my sweet, Willa.  I love you! #

Friday, March 2, 2012

I'd Settle For Just Being Here With You

Imagining your travels
and sincerely hoping that
you are enjoying your time
out in the open
seeing new sights
looking at Nature's grandest canvas
and knowing that 
you are so very loved,
so very missed...
I do miss you
I so ache to be the one
to be traveling with you
and perhaps one day
that will really come true--
but I'd settle 
for just sitting near our lighthouse
gazing out at the lake--
just so long
as you are by my side.

No matter where you are,
how far away you might be--
my love, my heart, my smile
is always with you
I hope you look out across 
all these miles
and can see (and feel)
how very much I love you
how very much I care
and how very much I am anxious
for you to be right back here.

Take care of you
Come back to me soon!