You know that Place?

You know that Place?

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


It is almost impossible
for me
to look at 
the Beauty of a Rose
and not 
be able to see
the intricate 
and most detailed
and magnificent
such artistic beauty
such purity of grace
and poise--

much like the awesomeness
of the beauty
that I see
whenever I think of
the love that lives
between you and me--
such beauty
and grace
and such magnificent design
unfolds each time
that you are near,
each time 
I realize how very much
you are a part
of this heart 
of mine.


Monday, April 2, 2012


Wow.  I found this and realized that it says volumes in just those few little words.  For years now I have been trying to be positive and to think positive, and perhaps I've also been "subtracting the negative" from my life all at the same time--

but now I'm going to make an even more conscious effort to continue subtracting the negative!  Whenever I find myself in a situation that feels WRONG I am going to turn around and go the other way instead of trying to figure out why it is I cannot fix things.  

My goal is to make as much room in my life for as much POSITIVE as I can possibly FIND--for in making room for the POSITIVE, I am embracing the JOY and ABUNDANCE that is rightfully mine!  And with a life full of POSITIVITY and JOY and ABUNDANCE--just imagine all the fun we can have!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!