You know that Place?

You know that Place?

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


It is almost impossible
for me
to look at 
the Beauty of a Rose
and not 
be able to see
the intricate 
and most detailed
and magnificent
such artistic beauty
such purity of grace
and poise--

much like the awesomeness
of the beauty
that I see
whenever I think of
the love that lives
between you and me--
such beauty
and grace
and such magnificent design
unfolds each time
that you are near,
each time 
I realize how very much
you are a part
of this heart 
of mine.


1 comment:

  1. I Love You.
    You have always been THE most wonderful part of my past.
    And the part that has been missing for far too long.
    Love You Bright Eyes.
